About Us
Our vision is to be a place where God is seen, love is felt, and lives are changed
Our Beliefs
God created a splendid universe full of good things, including his favorite achievement: Humanity.
Humans were created to know and live before God with free choice.
Humans chose to turn away from God into sin.
Sin severed the relationship between humans and God and polluted all creation.
Though humans turned away from God, He still loves us and wants our lives to be filled with joy and peace.
God has been chasing us throughout history, most of all through his Son, Jesus Christ.
Christ became “God with us” and revealed how passionately God loves us.
Jesus was crucified on the cross, was resurrected after 3 days, and then returned to heaven.
Christians are those who follow Jesus and believe that he died to restore our relationship with God.
Our mission is to be witnesses to this story, and to share with others the good news about Jesus.
Our Confessions
The Reformed Church in America accepts three confessional statements as expressions of its basic beliefs:
The Heidelberg Catechism. Formulated during the Reformation, it has had by far the most formative influence on the life of the Reformed Church.
The Belgic Confession. Written in the sixteenth century, it was intended to persuade Philip II of Spain that Reformed people did not hold heretical views.
The Canons of Dort. These were formulated in 1618 to resolve a dispute on the issue of divine sovereignty in the work of salvation.
The Reformed Church also affirms three creeds that arose in the early church, the Apostles' Creed, the Athanasian Creed, and the Nicene Creed. In the Reformed tradition, all creeds and confessions are subject to evaluation in the light of Scriptures. They are always subordinate to the final authority of Christ.
Our Mission
The people of First Reformed Church desire:
Unity in glorifying Jesus Christ
Commitment to prayer
Focus toward knowing and applying the Word of God in our lives and world
Christ-directed and relevant ministries throughout the community and the world.
To the members this means we must:
Be vigilant in our personal and corporate prayer life always seeking to know God
Educate and equip our membership in the Word and in approaching others for Christ
Employ the gifts of the Holy Spirit to worship in a welcoming way to others
Devote generously our time and finances for the Kingdom of God
Open our eyes to those around us at work and in the community
Live and serve as witnesses for Jesus Christ locally, nationally, and globally
Our History
From its creation in June 1958 with 53 charter members through the present day, First Reformed Church in Mitchell has sought to keep Christ at the center of our worship and our lives. The original 53 pioneers showed great faith and commitment in their willingness to step out and begin a new church community. We are joined with Christians throughout the US and Canada in the Alliance of Reformed Churches (ARC). Today, we strive to be a community that is committed to live and worship as the people of Christ.
Our Denomination
The Alliance of Reformed Churches (ARC) was founded in 2020, after a denominational split from the RCA. However, our Reformed history is rooted in the Reformation of the 1500s.
The Alliance of Reformed Churches (ARC) is a covenanted community of congregations. We are formed around our covenant-keeping Triune God, the Word of God, the sacraments of grace given to the Church (baptism and the Lord’s Supper) and the reformed theology. As Reformed believers, we understand God’s Kingdom work, his individual calling of people and his desire for Christian relationships in terms of covenant. For more information on the ARC, visit their website at https://arc21.org/.